Although some minimum liability car insurance is required by law, you can always opt for a more extensive coverage to protect you from risks. Getting worried about how you will manage the insurance costs? Here are some tips to help you get affordable auto insurance in Calgary.
1. Choose your car wisely – If you buy an expensive car, your auto insurance will also go up. This is because in case of any damage or theft to an expensive car, the costs involved to make good your costs/losses will also be high. An older and less-expensive car can bring down the insurance rates.
2. Shop for car insurance wisely – Don’t go in for the lowest quote. Depending on what kind of coverage you are seeking, compare the auto insurance policies and choose the one that fits your requirements.
3. Buy winter tires – There is heavy snowfall in Calgary during fall, winter, and spring. In the mountain region, the average annual snowfall can go over 250 inches. There are government laws as well that provide for a discount if you use winter tires for your car during inters.
4. Clean record – Deerfoot Trail and 16th Avenue are considered as the most dangerous intersection and are prone to accidents. Calgary traffic laws are very serious about putting down the phone when on the wheels. It’s important to bear such things in mind so that you can maintain a clean record which will lower your insurance costs.
5. Combine your home and auto insurance – If you combine your home and auto insurance, you would be taking a bundled policy from a single company. This means the company is enjoying more business. And so they would look at share discounts with you.6. Pay a higher deductible – Deductible is the amount you pay when you make an insurance claim. If you have a $700 deductible when there is a claim you pay the first $700 and your insurer pays the rest. A higher deductible can considerably bring down the periodic premium payments.
7. Safety and anti-theft mechanisms – The purpose of an insurance policy is to protect you from risks. Now if you yourself take necessary steps to reduce those risks then the cost of your insurance is bound to go down as well. That’s where using safety and anti-theft mechanisms are very useful.
The auto insurance would cover potential risks to your car, those driving it and also others who may be harmed by your car. The fact that your auto insurance is affordable will keep the cost of using your car under control.